Thursday, February 21, 2013

Backstage Access: The Power Of The Press Pass

Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell

"It's okay to let me in I have a press pass."  

For any working journalist, those words can open the key to the kingdom, allowing them first hand access to people, places and eventually stories. If there's a breaking story, an event or press conference to cover, a press pass is part of your entry package.  For those of you not familiar with the press pass,  it's a credential  that  allows practicing  journalists, usually affiliated with a specific news agency or organization, special privilege, benefits and access.

The press pass and benefits are determined by one of the three agencies issuing the pass including news organizations, law-enforcement agencies and event organizers for a press conference or specific event.  Since each card allows different benefits, the most desirable goal is to have multiple press passes.

Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell

During my years at CBS, I was issued a press pass to cover major  breaking news stories like 9/11 and lighter fair such as Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, which I will talk about at the end of this post.  

Most times, having a press pass at a major event allows you access to interview select individuals, get a press kit and to gain entry to  special rooms set up for press interviews.  But the days of press passes being available only to serious journalists are over. With the rise of the internet and bloggers being viewed as serious writers, press passes are now more available to them.

Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell

Bloggers Can Get A Press Pass

For bloggers, the Event Specific Press Pass or "Press Badge" is probably the best of the three to apply for.  Press passes are available for  trade shows, community gatherings, sporting events, award shows, professional conferences, or major events of any type.   The benefits of these passes are determined by the agency issuing them. If you are interested in getting a "press badge" you should apply in advance, be prepared to offer samples of your work , stats on your blogs ,reach and niche. 

 If you write for a publication or organization, ask them  to write a letter for you on their letterhead with information about your assignment. If all your data clears, then you might be able to get that press pass.  If don't get cleared, no worries because  you might be able to buy a pass.  Yes, buy one.  

To Read More About How and Where Bloggers Can Get Press Passes and see a bit of backstage access check out my social media site  The Blogger Connection.

TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA)  and  is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you are a brand interested in blogger outreach campaigns, a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @TVProducerDeb or contact

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  1. I’m a new reader and have been very impressed with your recent post and thought to drop a friendly note. It is really great information related to Press Passes. Waiting for more posts...

    1. Hi Sam,
      Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. I'm glad you found it informative.
      I will be posting more often. In the meantime here is the latest one to go up.
      Ready4Air: A Producer's Dream : The Priceless Soundbite

      Have a great day!

  2. Your article is really interesting! Press passes really have a lot of benefits... If you want to design your own Press Pass (with of course a proof that you are really journalist), you can do it on id creator, and you will enjoy our nice press pass id card templates!
