Friday, August 10, 2012

Foodie Friday: I was a S'mores Virgin Until.......

Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell

By Debbie Mitchell

Today's Foodie Friday is a no brainer for me, since I found out that today, August 10, is National S'mores Day.  I found this tidbit of information out last week when I attended BlogHer12, one of the biggest blogger conferences around.  Over four thousand bloggers attended the conference  in New York City to advance their blogging know-how, connect with brands and see each other face to face. It was my first BlogHer conference and boy did I learn a lot.
Photo Courtesy Debbie Mitchell

It was in the Hershey's and Walmart's Camp Bondfire suite where I surprised everyone with the news that I had never eaten a S'mores, apparently a summertime staple for lots of folks.  Since S'mores are a big part of camping, I think being a city girl all my life  who never camped, I missed out on this foodie treat.  Besides,  I've written here before that I am not a fan of marshmallows (OMG!), they are too sweet and just not appealing to me.  So I never had a  desire to have one sandwiched between chocolate and  graham crackers.

Folks in the suite couldn't believe it, you would have thought I had committed a crime. How could it be?   It became very clear to me that I was not going to be able to leave the room until I had made and tasted my first S'mores.
Photo Courtesy Debbie Mitchell
My friend Marian, a self described S'mores expert, took charge of preparing the S'mores , but first, a few facts about S'mores courtesy of Hershey's and Walmart:

-S'mores have been around for more than 85 years and the first recorded recipe was in a Girl Scout handbook in 1927

- The word S'mores is a combination of the words  "Some and More", since people couldn't get enough of the gooey treat

-Milton Hershey introduced the first Hershey 's Milk Chocolate Bar in 1900

Preparing our S'mores took only minutes.  I've created a Brite slide show of the fun cooking adventure. View it at bottom of this post .  By the way, yesterday I received a surprise email informing me  that I was a finalist in @Britely's  Brite of the Week Contest.  Wow!  I guess eating my first S'mores is turning out to be an event to remember.  Now tell me , when was the first time you had a S'mores?

Photo Courtesy Melanie Feehan
TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA)  and  is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards committee.  If you are blogger or brand interested in blogger outreach campaigns or a personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @TVProducerDeb or contact The Blogger Connection.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Debbie. I don't like marshmallows either. I hadn't had a s'more until a few summers ago. Don't remember me being a big lover, but I didn't hate 'em either. Glad your experience gleaned so much fun!
