Friday, August 16, 2013

The Comeback| When A TV Personality Keeps Coming Back For More

Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
It's Friday; the end of a long week and there are several things going on in the TV world that I could write about, and I couldn't choose just one.


I decided to take the pulse of the viewing audience late last night.  The best and only person available on such short notice was my mom, Rita.  I called her in Florida to catch up and talk a little bit about the TV news of the day. One of the most intriguing topics that surfaced was Regis Philbin. My mom loves Regis and I told her he was getting a new program almost two years after leaving his morning show "Live! With Regis and Kelly."  Regis will now be co-hosting a sports show.

My Mom:: "How old is Regis?"

Me:: "As a matter fact he's going to be 82 on August 25 which makes him a Virgo just like you."

My Mom:: "Well he's 82 and he's a multi-millionaire why's he going back to work?"

Me:: "I guess because he wants to work and they are giving him a job." 

Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
My mom will be 84 on August 31 and she wasn't buying it. She went on to express that, with all that money, Regis should settle back and enjoy his retirement and let someone else have a chance in front of the camera.

Photo Credit: Rita Mitchell
Then, I had to remind her of HER latest business venture.  She opened a small kiosk in a mall near her condo where she sells items, beautiful fabrics, three days a week, that brings her a certain amount of enjoyment.

She quickly snapped back and said "I'm not a millionaire."

Wait there's more!

She also wanted to know why Arsenio Hall was coming back to television. "Didn't he already have a show, and what's going to be different about this one?"

Once again, I didn't have an answer and it was hard to argue with her when she was making valid points. You see, television is funny that way.  One failed show or a previous run on television doesn't take you out of the race to have another one. So why should one stop there. 


Let's take a look at Katie Couric.  She is one of the few personalities who has worked on all three networks in her television career and has been evenly successful AND has changed genres along the way.

Another television icon making moves is Iyanla Vanzant.  Her talk show "Iyanla" in 2000 was not so popular with the audience.  And then you take a look at "Iyanla Fix My Life" on OWN and that is a HUGE hit.  

As we peek around the corner, we have also seen Rikki Lake thrive and dive in television.  She was once loved as a teenage host during the heyday of talk shows and made an attempted comeback with a second talk show last year only to have it fail after one season.

People in television love the thrill of being in front of the camera and are constantly evolving.  They see their career as having no limits and when they fall on their face, they get back up and stand tall.

As we gear up for the new fall season of shows, there are a couple of familiar faces in the TV line-up including Queen Latifah, Arsenio Hall and, of course, Regis Philbin.  

As for Regis being to old and rich to work, who am I to judge?  What I do know is that if I had a few million I'd probably sail away into the sunset and thank TV for making it all possible. 

And finally, thanks mom for chatting it up with me at the drop of a hat and for talking TV with me.


Now it is your turn!

Do you like seeing the same personalities hosting new shows or should TV give new people a chance?

If you were as wealthy and older like Regis Philbin, would you go back to work?

We want to hear your thoughts!

Courtesy Debbie Mitchell
TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA).  She is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you have a story idea  for "Our Take" or are a brand interested in Social TV, blogger outreach campaigns, or a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @SocialTVDeb and/or email

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  1. I LOVE Regis. He is VERY entertaining and adorable. He reminds me of my father. I'd also like to see some new faces every once in a while. I'd like to see ME on a talk show. That is something that I would watch.

  2. Networks like to play it safe, wanting to stay with someone who has a public persona already other than taking a chance on a new face. I would like to see a better balance of both options. p.s. Go Rita!
