Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tell Me...How Did You Get Into Social Media?

                                                           Courtesy of

I can't believe we are already several weeks into the month of August and summer will be over before we know it. As a result, I plan to make the best of the few weeks that we have left. This morning's summer series installment of "Tell Me...How Did You Get Into Social Media?" is a guest post courtesy of Jessica Williams. I recently met Jessica at the Blogging While Brown Conference, a bloggers' conference held in New York City this year, and was delighted to meet someone else who is successfully using her social media skills in the television industry.   In my opinion, Jessica Williams has the best of both worlds.

By Jessica Williams

How Did You Get Into Social Media? 

I've been using social media for over a decade, since AOL introduced "AIM" or "Instant Messenger." In my opinion, that was the beginning for many of us who utilize it today. I started out using it for leisure and keeping in touch with family and friends. Once I realized that there may be a possibility of being able to get in touch with individuals who were working in the field of television and I could utilize this medium to get to them all sorts of light bulbs went off.

What’s your job title today and what are your job responsibilities? 

I'm currently the Web Editor for a national/syndicated talk show that films in NYC. My responsibilities include coming up with strategies to keep our viewers engaged even when the show isn't on the air. In addition to editing content daily that pertains to the topics and guests that appeared on our show. I also film and edit behind the scenes footage to share with our audience. I truly love everything about my role because everyday I have the opportunity to learn, grow, and bring entertainment to the masses.

Social Media is constantly changing. Tell me what changes you like and changes that you don't like. 

I honestly love the fact that social media is constantly changing! We live in a world where so many of us suffer from "instant gratification" which results in us getting bored quickly, so the fact that social media is always changing gives the user the opportunity to stay on their toes. 

However, on the other hand, as a person working behind the scenes because it's constantly changing it doesn't always give us the opportunity to bring every idea to the forefront because "just that quick" we may need to jump to the next concept to keep the user interested. 

So I guess you can say I have a love/hate for social media constantly changing because as a user it's awesome to experience new things as they happen, but as a person who has to deliver a new method after working really hard to bring you the best of what quickly can become the "old" method it can be disappointing. 

How many social media platforms are you on, what's your favorite and why?

I'm on too many social media platforms! (If that's even possible LOL) My favorite would have to be Twitter! I love how during primetime shows it can bring me together with people from all over by following certain hashtags. This gives me the opportunity to start and join so many conversations and share so many ideas. 

Also, did I mention it's how I got my foot in the door to the television industry! I sent a tweet to the EVP of Twentieth Television and he tweeted me back and let's just say the rest is history! 

Most people think social media is overwhelming and time consuming.  What two words would you use to describe the social media industry and why?

GREAT OPPORTUNITIES! There are so many great opportunities that are literally at your fingertips. As I mentioned before I got a job across the country in LA by sending a tweet to someone who I never met before. Just because someone has thousands to millions of followers DON'T I repeat DON'T  be intimidated! If not them, trust someone is going through their mentions and if you can impress someone in 140 characters or less you're as good as gold in my book! 

If you could go back and say anything to yourself when you first got into social media what would it be? 

Always put your best foot forward, you never know who's watching! 

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned during your years in social media? 

Think before you engage in any topic of discussion. Do you really want to forever be associated with something, that in the end, had no meaning whatsoever or perhaps didn't show you in the best light? 

What are your top three tips for surviving in social media? 

My three tips would be: Spell Check, Fact Check and Self Check! Sometimes you have to "check yourself" and say, "do my followers really care if I'm constantly ranting and not projecting positive things?" The fact of the matter is most people go on social media to escape their day-to-day drama and seek entertainment, no one wants to scroll through their feed and see misery! 

How and when do you unplug from social media?

I make it a point to unplug from social media every weekend! I may update my Instagram feed if I'm doing something really fun but other than that, I like to live presently in the moment! 

If you had to give up two social media platforms which ones could you live without? 

I could easily live without Facebook and dare I say Pinterest! 

What is one piece of advice you want to pass along to someone else who is considering entering the world of social media today? 

I would refer them to my three tips on surviving social media and also tell them the same way you should think before you speak, you should think before you post.


To connect with Jessica socially link up with her on LinkedIn and follow her on Twitter

Thanks Jessica!
Photo Courtesy: Debbie Mitchell
TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA).  She is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you are a brand interested in "Book Case TV", Social TV, blogger outreach campaigns, or a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @SocialTVDeb and/or email

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