Monday, July 1, 2013

When Gremlins Hit The Television Control Room

Our Take on Arise TV  
Photo Credit: Robert Thompson
This picture was taken on Friday at the last show of our debut week.  Our Take on Arise TV is up and running and, from what we've been hearing from the rave reviews, we are rocking it!  YAY!

The last two weeks have been a little hectic, but like anything else it gets easier with time. Our team is finding a rhythm. As with any show launch, there is a lot of trial and error to find a great flow for everyone involved.  I won't lie; there were a few crazy moments behind the scenes during our debut week, including the television gremlins messing with our control room equipment and computers, but nothing was going to stop the show from getting on the live air waves.

Speaking of the control room, I found time on day three of the debut week  to capture our crew in action. We are a serious bunch. LOL!
Our Take on Arise TV, Control Room  
Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
For me, being in the control room is kind of like being in the cockpit of an airplane. While I've never flown a plane, I've shot video of a cockpit interior and watched pilots simulate flying, and it's fun! The colorful lights, monitors, prompter, and numbers counting down gets my heart racing every time.

In the control room everyone plays a vital role while the show is airing. The show director is the pilot calling the shots - literally.  Our director, Jack, instructs the cameramen on what angles of shots to take during the show.  Beatrix, Broadcast Line Producer, keeps track of the program's run time and we both monitor  the various elements (photos, videos) that will be shown to you, the audience.  Dean is in charge of getting our SKYPE in working order. If SKYPE isn't working or fails during the show, Dean is hustling to get the guest on the phone with their head shot as a place holder.

Our interns, Briana and Kala below, are in charge of getting scripts and show rundowns printed, and guests to make-up and then into the studio on time for their segment.

Interns Briana and Kala  
Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
On a perfect day, our production runs like a well oiled engine. And then there are days when the TV gremlins creep in to play with us, driving us all a little crazy.  The gremlins erase our scripts from the prompter, close the headset mic and prevent me from talking to or hearing Christina on set. They also kill our SKYPE connection so we lose our guest interviewa and jumble Bea's rundown times.

It is the powerful work of our dynamic team that keeps it all together.  We are like chameleons who adjust to the challenges and keep the show going.  Our host Christina and our guest hosts roll with the punches and all viewers see is the polished end result.

Ah! The magic of television. LOL!

Our Take on Arise TV Studio Taping
Photo Credit: Robert Thompson
As we gear up for week three of the show, I'm hoping the gremlins will give us a break. REALLY!
Who am I kidding? We actually need those gremlins since the truth is they make for great stories after the show.

Stay tuned......

Remember you'll find us on Monday at 1pm EST online at  If you have a chance, follow and tweet us @OurTakeAriseTV/ @SocialTVDeb and make sure to follow us during the show at #OURTAKEARISE.  Looking forward to seeing you online!

Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell

TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA)  and  is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you  have a story idea  for "Our Take" or are a brand interested in Social TV or blogger outreach campaigns, or  finally a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @SocialTVDeb or email

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