Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The TV EXCLUSIVE Interrupted: Cleveland Captives Break Their Silence Using Social Media

Yesterday three Cleveland girls, Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus, who were held captive for a decade, used social media to break their silence and give their first public statement.  The girls strategically placed themselves before a camera via social media in another step to take back control of their lives.  They did this by posting a thank you video on YouTube.  In the video, the girls thanked the many people from Cleveland and across the world who have offered support and kindness to them since their release.

When the kidnapped girls were first discovered two months ago, it was a miracle that they were found and shockingly, only blocks away from where they were last seen alive. The video was taped a few days before the July 4th weekend with the strategic planning of their attorneys, public relations firm, social media strategist and videographer. The production was conducted pro bono on behalf of the three courageous women.  While the team is carefully representing the ladies, they are not speaking for them. They are not scheduling interviews at this time; the lively ladies are doing the talking for now and it's viewable on YouTube.

In a press release sent to Our Take on Arise TV this morning, Kathy Joseph, attorney for Michelle Knight, had this to say: "People are recognizing them now as they go about in public, so they decided to put voices and faces to their heartfelt messages. It was their decision to relay their thanks in this way to all of the many people who have offered support to them, for which they are extremely grateful. But it is important for everyone, especially the media, to understand that the three women still have a strong desire for privacy," said James Wooley, attorney for Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus. "They do not want to talk about their ordeal with the media or anyone else. This cannot be stated strongly enough."
EP Debbie Mitchell, Host Christina Brown Our Take, Arise TV
Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
When the Our Take team saw the news that a YouTube clip of the former Cleveland captives was posted, we knew it had to be featured. Since we couldn't get the girls, we got the next best thing; an interview with Reuter's reporter Kim Palmer who lives in Cleveland and has been covering this hometown story. Here is a clip of that interview:

In May I  knew the breaking news of the girls being found was going to create a booking frenzy in every newsroom. It's a big story!!! So which morning show or TV personality would be the first to get the EXCLUSIVE interview?   

It turns out none.  Today we are clearly discovering how social media is changing the television-exclusive booking game.  Potential interviewees are keeping news and television interviewers on hold indefinitely and turning the competitive booking game among television stations on its head by posting their own video. Now the interviewees have complete control of how, when, and where they tell their exclusive stories. 

This is truly the power of social media!

Read more about what it takes to capture the television exclusive here.

It is your turn.  Let us know what you think about the Cleveland girls breaking their silence through social media.

TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA).  She is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you have a story idea  for "Our Take" or are a brand interested in Social TV, blogger outreach campaigns, or a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @SocialTVDeb and/or email


  1. It's like the wild west out there!

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