Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tell Me...How Did You Get Into Social Media?

Courtesy of

Last summer I introduced and had a lot of fun with the summer series "Tell Me.....How Did You Get Into Television?" where  I asked  TV folks to tell us about how they got into the television industry, and to share advice on how to survive it.  

Thank you to all my television friends who came to play by answering my questions and sharing their stories!

As in life, nothing stays the same; television is changing and along with the way we communicate. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube have altered the communication landscape in a VERY big way. 

I decided to get on the social media bandwagon only two years ago with my personal reinvention and love meeting social media veterans and newbies.  As I continue to grow in this amazing social space, my new question to folks is "Tell Me...How Did You Get Into Social Media?"

This mornings, "Tell Me...How Did You Get Into Social Media?" guest post is courtesy Judith Owigar from Nairobi, Africa.   Judith was a guest via SKYPE on a recent tech series, "Women In The Digital World,"  for the show "Our Take" on Arise TV.  Judith is one of six women who met at a Nairobi business incubator site after founding AkiraChix in 2010. The tech savvy group helps women find professional work and share technology tips.

By Judith Owigar

How Did You Get Into Social Media?

I sent my first email when I was at the university in 2003. I studied Computer Science at the University of Nairobi. Ever since then I have been interested in technology and any innovations that I can take advantage of in my life or career. My first interactions with social media were on sites such as Hi5,, Facebook and Twitter. The thing that drew me to social media was the fact that I could connect with friends in different places within Kenya and those abroad who I had lost contact with. The thing that has kept me interacting with social media is the ability to make new connections online or sustain connections irrespective of place or time, and the ability for something to spread nearly instantaneously.

What’s your job title today and what are your job responsibilities?

I am the President of Akirachix Association, an organization that empowers women using technology through the activities of networking, training and outreach. I am in charge of building the community of women technologists in Kenya by fostering networking and mentorship, creating partnerships with organizations and companies that share our vision and handling the operations of the organization.

Social Media is constantly changing. Tell me what changes you like and changes you don't like.

I like the ability for a message to travel far and wide in a short time period because of the connectedness. This can be both a good and bad thing depending if the message is being used to build or destroy a person.

I like that it is becoming more context sensitive. But I hope it won’t be too wired to our individual contexts and experiences such that we only see what is affecting us and not see or understand things from another person's worldview.

How many social media platforms are you on, what's your favorite and why?

I’m currently active on Google+, Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Pinterest.
Google+: mainly because it is linked to my gmail and I hold a number of hangouts on it. 
Facebook: that’s where most of my friends are, even those with minimal interest in technology. 
Twitter: Most of my ‘work’ connections are here, it’s easy to identify people whom I share interests with or who I look up to and have conversations with them.
Pinterest: I just love the interesting picture posts, they have a calming effect during a busy day. 

I usually use Skype for chatting and whenever I need to make or have international calls. I find it more reliable and clearer than a normal phone call. I use Whatsapp to chat with my friends. It is cheaper than ordinary SMS and incorporates group chatting, which is my best feature on the application.

Most people think social media is overwhelming and time consuming. What two words would you use to describe the social media industry and why?

Connected and entertaining.

Social media connects a person to the world. It exposes one to different people and schools of thought. It also serves as a form of entertainment; I use it to relax while working. During a normal workday I always check various social networks to chat with friends, look at funny pictures or just read interesting posts.

If you could go back and say anything to yourself when you first got into social media what would it be?

My growth in social media has been slow as I took time to learn and embrace the various social media platforms. I always try new things and pick or drop them depending on how relevant I find them. I guess I would tell myself to take time to understand each platform and not be too eager to get a large traction or following.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned during your years in social media?


You should share your private information with caution. There are both good and bad people online. You are judged by what you say so be careful what you say, be willing to defend it. Your connections matter- that’s your net worth. Responding when contacted is the best thing to do; that’s how communication happens ;-)

What are your top three tips for surviving in social media?

Be relevant to yourself and your environment.

Be real. Don’t strive to impress the audience of readers or listeners.

Don’t be involved in trash talk that destroys another individual.

How and when do you unplug from social media?

After work I go for evening classes at University of Nairobi where I am pursuing a Masters in Applied Computing. When I come from class I try not to check any email or messages online. I only take calls and SMSs at night unless there was something really urgent that I must respond to.

If you had to give up two social media platforms which ones could you live without?

Google+ and Whatsapp.

I find Google+ a repetition of Facebook; anything I post on Google+ I feel I must repost on Facebook if I want it to have the same or more impact.

I find Whatsapp very distracting. Since it’s on my phone I usually get messages when I want to disconnect. I am mainly on it because it is an easier way to communicate with friends.

What is one piece of advice you want to pass along to someone else who is considering entering the world of social media today?

The most important thing is to identify who you are as an individual and what values you uphold.
Be open to making connections with people who you can trust.
Be cautious about sharing private information.
Enrich someone’s life with the content you share.

Judith Owigar is passionate about all things women and all things technology. She places herself in positions where her two passions intersect. She believes that exposure, education and use of technology can increase the quality of life and as such change the world. She is a tech-entrepreneur, a blogger and a tech enthusiast. Judith is a co-founder and president of Akirachix; a revolution for African women and technology. Through the Akirachix activities she seeks to increase the number of women who are creators of technological solutions and in effect change the perception of technology by women. Judith is the founder of JuaKali Directory an online platform that links workers in the informal sector (commonly referred to as JuaKali workers) with potential clients.

In 2012 and 2009 Judith was named as one of the Top 40 under 40 women by the Business Daily newspaper in Kenya. In 2012 she was also named as one of the 10 African voices to follow on twitter by CNN. The Anita Borg Institute recognized Judith with the Anita Borg Change Agent Award 2011 for Women and Technology. The US Embassy in Kenya with the Unsung Heroes Award has also honored her. This was in recognition of the work that Akirachix has done to promote women and give them a voice using science and technology. In 2007 she was named the Best Female Engineer at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers students’ exhibition. Judith went to University of Nairobi where she graduated with a diploma and a degree in computer science.


TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA).  She is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you have a story idea  for "Our Take" or are a brand interested in Social TV, blogger outreach campaigns, or a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @SocialTVDeb and/or email

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