Friday, July 19, 2013

A Few Zen Hours With Deepak Chopra In A Day Of TV Chaos

Host, Christina Brown, Guest Host Demetria Lucas and Deepak Chopra
Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
If you've been following my recent posts you've gotten a glimpse into the craziness that goes into launching a television show. A launch is filled with lots of mental and physical highs and lows, show changes and very little sleep. Imagine my delight when I found out that Zen Master Deepak Chopra, yes, the Deepak Chopra, was appearing on "Our Take" on Arise TV.

Finally a bit of peace in a sea of television production chaos.

Deepak Chopra and Rupa Mikkilineni
Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
On air personality Rupa Mikkilineni was producing a segment on arranged marriages for the program when she called and asked if I wanted Deepak Chopra on as a guest. Mikkilineni had worked with Chopra in the past and he was willing and available.

I practically jumped through the phone with excitement when I told her "YES!!!" and told her she now needed two segments, one for arranged marriages and the other for Deepak Chopra by himself.  Chopra is a doctor, philosopher, founder of the Chopra Foundation and co-author of the new book, "Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny & the American Dream." What a divine treat this was.

It's humorous the effect Deepak Chopra has on some people.

As news of his appearance on our show spread, staff, strangers and even the crew became giddy with excitement.  He really is a rockstar. LOL!

Yet, unlike a rockstar, Deepak Chopra is true to form, easy going and a low maintenance guest.  We offered to send a car to pick him up and bring him to the studio. He declined and said he would rather walk instead.
Deepak Chopra with Our Take, Arise TV
Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
Once Deepak got to the studio he settled into the guest green room. He took pictures with host Christina Brown and guest host, blogger, and author, Demetria Lucas.  He generously taped a brief interview for our online team and as for myself, I sprinted out of the control room minutes before the show for a quick photo of my own with him. 

Later on in the show Christina asked Deepak about his book, "Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny & the American Dream." Asking him, what is Dharma?

Deepak stated: "Dharma has many meanings and is defined as purpose in life. We come into this incarnation with some purpose and higher vision. What are your unique skills and talents? On a deeper level we are part of a universe that is a big jigsaw puzzle, every part fits, there are no spare parts. When you find your dharma you create your destiny because you are singing your song in a way only  you can sing it."

Deepak discussed much, much more and our viewers were so appreciative. Afterwards, Deepak  thanked us, refused return car service choosing instead to ride the subway, and making us realize that New York City needs a little zen on the metro lines.

To see more of Deepak Chopra's interview on "Our Take" on Arise TV watch below. Then in the comments below share with us what you do to calm the chaos in your life, we would love to hear!


Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA).  She is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you have a story idea  for "Our Take" or are a brand interested in Social TV, blogger outreach campaigns, or a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @SocialTVDeb and/or email 

More Ready4Air:


  1. Go Debbie Mitchell! Congrats on the new show. Keep up the great work.

  2. YOU are a rock star! You must have a touch of Samantha's magic. Everyone at Arise TV must feel BEWITCHED!!!
