Thursday, April 25, 2013

Motown: The Musical - Where The Music Is The Star Of The Show

Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
I've been away from  Ready4Air for a few weeks now. so sorry about that! There's a lot going on but I had to come back today and write a post because I saw the best Broadway show last week-  Motown: The Musical. 
Debbie Mitchell and Dorcia Kelley, Motown: The Musical
Photo Credit: Debbie Mitchell
I went last week Thursday with friend Dorcia and we had a blast. Hey, it's several days later and I'm still humming, singing and tapping my feet to the Motown sound. I actually downloaded the soundtrack from the show- that's how much I liked it.   I say run don't walk to see this Broadway show. If you're a fan or even if you are not a fan of Motown music this show will have you dancing in your seat.  In an interview businessman and music mogul Berry Gordy, who is 83 years old, says that it took him  five years to mount the show on Broadway and I have to say his hard work has certainly paid off.  This show is destined to be a hit!

While many of us know the story of Berry Gordy and Motown records it's amazing to see what he actually went through to start the company. Berry Gordy had several careers before he actually founded Motown. Gordy's family had doubts about young Gordy's dream and  gave him a little bit of a hard time before lending him the $800 needed to start Motown. But they loaned him the money anyway. With that dream Gordy a.k.a The Chairman found talented people, AND a formula (groomed his artists, taught them to dance and dress) that worked.  He went on to build of one of the biggest record labels in history during the 60's a time when music did not cross the color line.

With  artists like Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, The Temptations and the list goes on, Berry broke all the rules and and found a listening audience of every color.

The minute the musical starts the audience is brought into the performance.   We become a part of the show- you can't help it you're singing and you're dancing in your seat.  We  know all the songs-the music takes you back in time. I remember clearly as a child listening to The Jackson Five, Diana Ross and The Supremes and The Temptations singing "My Girl."  Motown: The Musical introduces us to an amazing ensemble of theatrical singers and dancers. The music is the star of this show so you forget that you're not listening to Michael Jackson because Raymond Luke Jr. who plays little Michael Jackson has an amazing voice and steals the show.  I think Michael Jackson would be proud.

I went into Motown: The Musical  thinking I knew all there was to know about Motown but I did learn a few new things such as, Smokey Robinson, portrayed by Charl Brown played a big role in the Motown history.  He wrote several big hits including  "My Guy" by Mary Wells, followed by "My Girl" by The Temptations.   In a recent interview with CBS This Morning, Gordy says he's the one who taught Robinson to write songs, since Smokey's songs were long and had not beginning, middle or end.   Dorcia and I each had our actor crush  from the show.  I liked the actor who played Smokey Robinson (Charl Brown) she liked the actor who played Berry Gordy (Tony Award nominee Brandon Victor Dixon ). Both guys are cute  talented and can sing!

Berry Gordy wrote the entire play and doesn't shy away from his story. He's very upfront about his relationship with Diana Ross.  Ross was the bosses girlfriend and  yes she was talented but  he was head over heels in love with her and he made her a star . Actually Ross' starring role in the Oscar nominated movie "Lady Sings The Blues" was bankrolled by Berry Gordy's-a surprise role for his lady.  The actor and actress, Brandon Victor Dixon (The Color Purple) as Berry Gordy and Valisia LeKae (The Book of Mormon) as Diana Ross, respectively did the role justice. Valisia  LeKae totally captured the elegance and over-the-top essence of Diana Ross- the hair, the clothes, the coquetish flirting- LeKae has it all.

The Motown sound came to life at the hands of an 18 piece orchestra that kept the party going from beginning to end. I laughed at times because the audience kept singing along with the actors, so the night became a sing-a-long event. The best part of the evening for me is that it brought back great memories, memories of a time when music was a part of my story.  I was young, growing up and having fun.   The fact that I was a part of this musical history really made the evening special.

Motown: The Musical is my music and it's something that I'll cherish forever.  Thanks Berry Gordy!

So what's your  favorite Motown jam or group? Drop a line and tell us about it.

To See Berry Gordy's  latest interview about Motown: The Musical with CBS Sunday Morning

Photo Credit: Margarita Corporan

TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA)  and  is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you are a brand interested in blogger outreach campaigns, a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @SocialTVDeb or contact

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