Friday, September 21, 2012

Foodie Friday: Is Moving On My Social Media Anniversary

Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell

By Debbie Mitchell

Foodie Friday is moving!  Same name, same day but a new location.

It's been an amazing nine months since I started Ready4Air.  Before I created it, seasoned bloggers told me to write something, anything, because if I was going to be in social media, it would help if I had a blog.   So when I finally created a blog, I  decided to write about the experience and lessons I learned during my 25 years in the television industry and about my other love - food.  Foodie Friday was born and my social media reinvention was in full gear.

Todays Foodie Friday, September 21, 2012, is also the start of my social media anniversary weekend.  September 23-24 is the one year anniversary of my attending SheStreams, my first ever blogger conference. The experience was my Aha! Moment, a moment where I saw there was a place for me and my veteran television skills in this new world of social media.  My attending  the SheStreams weekend was special because it turns out there was a great, smart, encouraging and supportive group, including veteran bloggers, my former CBS News Early Show anchor Rene Syler (@goodenufmother) Kim Vickers Grenon (@mommycosm) Fiona Preston Bryan (@banteringblonde) and Susan Pazera (@MacKidSuze).
Ina and Debbie on vacation in Italy
Photo courtesy Joan Massel  Soncini
After the conference my support extended far and wide.  I have to give a big hug and SPECIAL THANKS to my friend Ina Bechhoefer, who call my secret weapon, for all her business and technology/computer expertise. A successful business woman in her own right, Ina asked me all the "right" questions when it came to my creating a business, building a website and everything Apple related- all this on the phone or by SKYPE.  Love you Ina!

By January 2012 I was ready to give blogging a shot and food blogger Lora Wiley-Lennartz (@ofamadhausfrau) spent several  hours one day helping me build Ready4Air.  Just know this- keeping a blog is a major commitment!

Fast forward to May 2012- social media producer Rachel Ferrucci (@rachelferrucci) and I launched The Blogger Connection (TBC) (@BlogRConnection), a social media/ blogger outreach group.  Now we each have two blogs. How crazy is that?! This is where I thank my Aunt Joyce, a former Executive Assistant, for being my "second set of eyes" and proofing my posts to correct most of my mistakes.  Forgive the few that might slip through every now and then.

Debbie Mitchell, Ted Rubin, Rene Syler
Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell
This past spring Rene said she had learned a few things about me "I’ve seen her tenacity up close. That’s truly one of the things I admire most in people. Debbie and I worked with a lot of people back at the old shop, who have since lost jobs. Some are waiting, some are working, some are making waves. I would put Debbie in that last group. She’s not really waiting for opportunities to come to her; she is busy kicking the door down, which is what you need to do to be successful."

I have had a VERY busy summer managing The Blogger Connection and Ready4Air.   I still want to write about television and food.  However, my plan now is to write only television posts for Ready4Air.
Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell
In October, Foodie Friday will move  to The Blogger Connection website and I hope you will follow.   Same name, same day, different location.  Thanks to everyone for reading my posts and all my guests who shared their food adventures on Ready4Air. I hope you still want to share, since I would  love to feature them on our new blog home.
Co-Founders, The Blogger Connection- Rachel Ferrucci and Debbie Mitchell
Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell
This weekend, The Blogger Connection has been invited to speak in Boston at the blogger's Springboard Conference.  I will be headlining a session on media training. Kim (@Mommycosm) and food blogger Melanie Feehan( @MelanieMiddle1) will be in Boston too. I can't wait to see you ladies.

I definitely feel a celebration on the horizon where I will raise a glass to say thanks to everybody for an incredible year!  

Whether you are at home or out, take some time to celebrate the first weekend of fall and please stay tuned for the next Foodie Friday in its new home starting in October 2012.

Photo courtesy Melanie Feehan
TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA)  and  is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you are a brand interested in blogger outreach campaigns, a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @TVProducerDeb or contact

More From Ready4Air:
Ready4Air: Live! with Kelly and Michael, TBC Bloggers Tweets ... 


  1. CONGRATS! It was like birthing a baby, wasn't it? gestation period and all!

    Now look how beautiful she is!!

  2. Yes, it was like birthing a baby ( I have the baby weight and Twitter butt to prove it!).

    She is beautiful and I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks again for leading the way. Funny, just watched the movie "Field of Dreams" last night...."Build it and they will come."

    You are setting a great example, Head GEM. Keep it up!
