Friday, August 24, 2012

Foodie Friday: 50 By 50: A Foodie Gets In Shape

 Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell
By Debbie Mitchell

This week's Foodie Friday is just a reminder that when it comes to food bigger is not always better (just know that I did not eat the entire plate of food above).  For me today is the end of a long few weeks of medical tests, discussions and strategizing about new ways to eat, still enjoy my  food and be healthy as I approach the big 5-0. Since leaving CBS News two years ago my lifestyle has changed.  My reinvention and new social media life requires more time sitting at the computer and attending meetings and conferences where there are all kinds of food and drinks.  After getting the results from my physical a few weeks ago I was sent to see  a nutritionist who will help me to get back on track as I try to eat healthier.  

Big 4-0 birthday with brother Richard and Mom
Photo courtesy Kingsley Grant
I've always eaten healthy and always been  athletic--I was never ever a tiny girl. When I was ten years younger, I could eat  everything since I exercised vigorously at least four times a week, sometimes twice a day, which was a great way to keep my metabolism up and my weight down.  Well today, I can't work out as hard or as often and can't burn the calories off as quickly. 

My nutritionist, Katherine Harris, quickly learned that I was not a newbie, someone who was just learning about living a healthy lifestyle, when it comes to nutrition.  Lord knows over the years  I've produced dozens of television segments on the topic. Harris was happy to hear I  never smoked, only drink wine twice a week, workout- practice yoga, bike ride, cook, eat vegetables, yogurt, fruits and fish regularly.  As a matter of fact, Harris didn't have to change much of what I eat, but she did tweak it.  She says the ideal situation would be if I could look in my fridge and see lots of healthy greens and food. 
Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell
However, Harris discovered, what I already know, that my food portions are too big and I eat late at night. She tole me I needed to get more  sleep, at least 7-9 hours, and to include vegetables in both lunch and dinner and I should eat on a regular schedule including breakfast (300 cal), 2 snacks (100/200 cal each), lunch(400 cal) and dinner (400cal) all by 8pm. My morning smoothie is too large and while it’s made from fresh fruit, it is high in natural sugar content which is probably sabotaging my healthy diet.  I must drink smaller portions, more like the ones below. 
Photo courtesy Debbie Mitchell
So as of this morning my healthier lifestyle begins. I gave away the yogurt in my fridge, turns out the ones with fruit at the bottom have too much sugar. I should only eat plain greek yogurt and add fruit.  I will start eating 5 meals that total 1300-1400 calories a day.  The online program will help me keep track of my calorie intake.  I will get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, will do 30-60 minutes of exercise in the mornings and drink 64oz (2 liters) of water a day.  

I'm a goal oriented girl, so I'm calling this my 50 By 50 plan. I plan to lose 50 lbs before I turn 50 next March.  My next appointment with the nutritionist is on September 21st.  I will keep you posted. 

Support  and tips are welcome and please ignore the glass of wine in my photo. LOL!
Wish me luck and have a great weekend!

Photo courtesy Melanie Feehan

TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA)  and  is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards committee.  If you are blogger or brand interested in blogger outreach campaigns or a personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @TVProducerDeb or contact The Blogger Connection.

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