Monday, June 11, 2012

When A Finale Lives Up To The Series Run

By Debbie Mitchell

There are very few shows on television that grab my attention and when I like a show, I like it a lot.  I'm late to the Mad Men fan club.  I actually discovered the program last August after a good friend shamed me into watching it. She couldn't believe that as a television person I had never seen it.  So I signed up for Netflix and spent a weekend watching the entire four seasons. I have been hooked ever since.

Season 5, which critics and fans seem to agree is the series best season to date wrapped up last night, and while there are 2 more seasons left before the series goes off the air forever, I can't imagine my Sunday nights without Don, Peggy, Joan, Pete and my silver haired favorite Roger.   Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner, promises that the AMC drama which has won the Emmy Award for best dramatic series four years in a row will  give viewers a "beautiful ending" when it wraps up in season seven.

This season viewers saw beautiful spoiled Betty Draper lose control of her weight, British gentlemen and partner Lane Pryce die by hanging and secretary turned copywriter career girl Peggy Olsen break away from Sterling Cooper Draper & Pryce to start new at a competing firm.   Friends and I can't image how Mad Men will end. You never know what to expect from a show finale. Today, I am going back in time to rate a few of my favorite cable show finales over the years on a scale of 1-10, with 10 the highest in creativity, originality and execution.

ENTOURAGE (2011)- Sorry guys this finale was a solid 3. Story lines were wrapped up in a nice bow, Vince got the girl, Eric got the girl, Ari got the girl and flew off into the big blue sky in a private jet. BORING.

THE SOPRANOS (2007)- For one of the best shows ever written for television, I thought this finale was disappointing ; not clever and it left the audience with too many unanswered questions.  Why wrap it up with a fade to black and a Journey song?  My rating is a 7.

SIX FEET UNDER FINALE (2005) - One of the best show finales I can remember.  It was creative, original and well executed.  It took us into the future of the show, a future viewers would not get to see on television. We knew how, when and why our  favorite characters would die. The show stayed true to  form, keeping death at the forefront of the Six Feet Under storyline while allowing us to say goodbye to our main characters.  A solid 10.

As I write about show endings I would be remiss in not mentioning the most watched of all network show finales, M.A.S.H and also, most original show endings in television history, Newhart starring comedian Bob Newhart.  Both are on "10" worthy and while it is hard for devoted fans to see their favorite shows end, it is always satisfying when it's done with creative style and grace.  Mad Men you have two seasons left to figure it out and make us happy.

Drop a line and tell me your favorite and least favorite show finale. 

TV/Social Media Producer Debbie Mitchell is an Emmy nominated producer who is a member of the Producers Guild of America (PGA)  and  is currently a member of the James Beard Broadcast and New Media Awards Committee.  If you are a brand interested in blogger outreach campaigns, a blogger or personality interested in television placement follow Debbie Mitchell @TVProducerDeb or contact

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1 comment:

  1. Ok. M*A*S*H is in a league of it's own. I remember how Newhart ended, but can't for the life of me remember why it ended that way???

    Dawson's Creek did a great job, Friends LOVED IT, Seinfeld was the worst EVER. I cringe to watch it, but as a person who literally wouldn't speak to people during the reruns when it FIRST went into syndication, I keep trying to find the funny. I get it and all the symbolism, but they should have done so much better.

    Oh, and let's not forget The Cosby Show and Cheers... I could go on. I'm no Foodie, but I LOVES my TV!
